Evening all! We will be having a classified advert section on our website
http://www.mothersrus.com from next week and to get things kick started we are offering FREE listings! Usually there would be a small listing fee but there will be no final value fees, our aim is to help families sell their unwanted stuff to others who want it. Adverts are for baby and children items apart from clothing, so if you have been meaning to sell that pushchair, cot, climbing frame etc then what are you waiting for! You have nothing to loose! You can also post a link to the item on your Facebook pages etc. all you need to do is message us or email us info@mothersrus.com your item description, photos, price and how the buyer can contact you (phone, email address, fb page link etc). No transactions go through our website it is all dealt with by you, it's basically the same as if you were adverting in a paper. Once your item has sold let us know and we will take it down or after 30days it will automatically expire anyway. The offer is open to everyone worldwide as we have lots of visitors all over the world, just state in your description where you are based. What are you waiting for take advantage of this FREE offer, lots of people visiting our website everyday looking for things...any queries then just message us.
We are here to help!
Mothers R Us
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