A typical day for me goes something like this:
Approx 6.30am (sometimes earlier) - Woken up by a crying baby boy wanting milk. Wash and sterilise bottles if needed and make up milk feed. Wait for it to cool, I dread that bit, it takes so long when you have a hungry baby wanting it like a drug.
7.30am - Daughter wakes for breakfast. We go through all the options for what to have before she makes a decision. Haha
8am - Try to get ready for work, along with changing baby's nappy, cleaning high chair and trying to get daughter dressed for pre school. This a such a task! I just get time to run a brush through my hair and put on a tiny bit of make up to make me look a little more human.
9am - Drop my daughter off at pre school which thankfully is just up the road. Pop back into the house gift my little boy and partner a kiss, grab my bags and jump in the car to work. This is where I take a deep breath and breathe, I can relax (if I'm on time) haha
9.30am - The start of my day in the office, I work for an accountants helping with all the administration. I work with a great team of ladies and the office is set in the countryside. What more
could I want. I love the work as it is so varied! I actually get to have some time to be me!
3.30pm - Travel home to the mad house! When I get in I'm jumped over by my daughter who tells me about her day. She missed me so much! My son has just had his afternoon milk feed and usually greats me with a smile or cry. Once I've settled in time for coffee and to check emails for www.mothersrus.com.
5.30pm - Start to think about dinner for the children and what I can rustle up for them! I try to get their dinner for 6pm. My 10 month old is still exploring foods so usually after dinner half of it it is up the walls, on the floor and smeared all over him and the high chair!
6.30pm - Clean the walls, floor after kids dinner. Prepare milk feed for my little boy.
7pm- Get my little boy ready in his pyjamas and settled in his got, lights still on as I give him his milk feed now. He can now hold the bottle himself so I supervise in their bedroom and try to tidy up at the same time! Once milk feed has finished I usually sit him up for a bit and then kiss goodnight, he usually settles straight away.
7.30pm - Start to get my daughter ready for bed! This is a routine in itself, she is at that age where she does not want to go to bed so thinks of every little thing to stay up a little longer. We do her teeth, go to the toilet, glass of milk, story then I take her to bed. It's hard as they share the same room, so she has to be quiet. However quiet and a three year old do not mix very well. I then get the.....I need slipper socks.....I need my dressing gown....I need Lucy (soft toy)..... I need cherry bear (soft toy)... I need cherry bear two (another soft toy)....I need some more milk and so on.....eventually I get her settled and sneak out the room..
8pm - On a good night they will both sleep, on a bad night one will wake and wake the other then it's trying to settle them back down which is hard and tiring especially when it can go on until 10pm. About this time though I start to get my dinner ready unless my partner cooks it which he usually does so we can then sit down to eat which happens anytime from now or around 9.30pm depending on if the children are settled.
9pm - Once I have sorted the kitchen and dishes its time again to check the Mothers R Us social network accounts and emails, reply to customers and process orders. Then start work on photographing and listing more stock. At the moment I have lots of second hand baby and children's clothing. I love finding bargains for our customers.
11.30pm - Start to do the lunch boxes for the next day! Then get ready for my snugly bed which by now is much needed. I usually get to have a hot chocolate too to help me relax ready for an early start.
12 midnight - zzzzzzzzz
As you can see I don't get a lot of spare time, but I do love my life and my children. I will make time eventually to get in the gym and do all the other things I want to do but at the moment I just focus on my home, children and Mothers R Us. :)
If you have any tips for a busy mum then please share!
Thanks for reading...
Mothers R Us
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