Tuesday, 30 July 2013

Day in the life of a working mum!

Being a mum is one of the best jobs I have ever done, hard work but very rewarding! With a part time job (30 hours), a business to run, a 10 month old boy and nearly 4 year old girl to look after and running a household there is very little time for anything else!  Luckily my other half helps out a lot with the house and children, don't know what I would do with out him.

A typical day for me goes something like this:

Approx 6.30am (sometimes earlier) - Woken up by a crying baby boy wanting milk. Wash and sterilise bottles if needed and make up milk feed. Wait for it to cool, I dread that bit, it takes so long when you have a hungry baby wanting it like a drug.

7.30am - Daughter wakes for breakfast. We go through all the options for what to have before she makes a decision. Haha

8am - Try to get ready for work, along with changing baby's nappy, cleaning high chair and trying to get daughter dressed for pre school.  This a such a task! I just get time to run a brush through my hair and put on a tiny bit of make up to make me look a little more human.

9am - Drop my daughter off at pre school which thankfully is just up the road. Pop back into the house gift my little boy and partner a kiss, grab my bags and jump in the car to work. This is where I take a deep breath and breathe, I can relax (if I'm on time) haha

9.30am - The start of my day in the office, I work for an accountants helping with all the administration. I work with a great team of ladies and the office is set in the countryside. What more
could I want. I love the work as it is so varied! I actually get to have some time to be me!

3.30pm - Travel home to the mad house! When I get in I'm jumped over by my daughter who tells me about her day. She missed me so much! My son has just had his afternoon milk feed and usually greats me with a smile or cry. Once I've settled in time for coffee and to check emails for www.mothersrus.com.

5.30pm - Start to think about dinner for the children and what I can rustle up for them! I try to get their dinner for 6pm. My 10 month old is still exploring foods so usually after dinner half of it it is up the walls, on the floor and smeared all over him and the high chair!

6.30pm  - Clean the walls, floor after kids dinner. Prepare milk feed for my little boy.

7pm- Get my little boy ready in his pyjamas and settled in his got, lights still on as I give him his milk feed now. He can now hold the bottle himself so I supervise in their bedroom and try to tidy up at the same time! Once milk feed has finished I usually sit him up for a bit and then kiss goodnight, he usually settles straight away.

7.30pm - Start to get my daughter ready for bed! This is a routine in itself, she is at that age where she does not want to go to bed so thinks of every little thing to stay up a little longer. We do her teeth, go to the toilet, glass of milk, story then I take her to bed. It's hard as they share the same room, so she has to be quiet. However quiet and a three year old do not mix very well. I then get the.....I need slipper socks.....I need my dressing gown....I need Lucy (soft toy)..... I need cherry bear (soft toy)... I need cherry bear two (another soft toy)....I need some more milk and so on.....eventually I get her settled and sneak out the room..

8pm - On a good night they will both sleep, on a bad night one will wake and wake the other then it's trying to settle them back down which is hard and tiring especially when it can go on until 10pm. About this time though I start to get my dinner ready unless my partner cooks it which he usually does so we can then sit down to eat which happens anytime from now or around 9.30pm depending on if the children are settled.

9pm - Once I have sorted the kitchen and dishes its time again to check the Mothers R Us social network accounts and emails, reply to customers and process orders. Then start work on photographing and listing more stock. At the moment I have lots of second hand baby and children's clothing. I love finding bargains for our customers.

11.30pm - Start to do the lunch boxes for the next day! Then get ready for my snugly bed which by now is much needed. I usually get to have a hot chocolate too to help me relax ready for an early start.

12 midnight - zzzzzzzzz

As you can see I don't get a lot of spare time, but I do love my life and my children. I will make time eventually to get in the gym and do all the other things I want to do but at the moment I just focus on my home, children and Mothers R Us. :)

If you have any tips for a busy mum then please share!

Thanks for reading...

Mothers R Us

Saturday, 13 July 2013

List your baby related items for sale with us for FREE!

Evening all! We will be having a classified advert section on our website http://www.mothersrus.com from next week and to get things kick started we are offering FREE listings! Usually there would be a small listing fee but there will be no final value fees, our aim is to help families sell their unwanted stuff to others who want it. Adverts are for baby and children items apart from clothing, so if you have been meaning to sell that pushchair, cot, climbing frame etc then what are you waiting for! You have nothing to loose! You can also post a link to the item on your Facebook pages etc. all you need to do is message us or email us info@mothersrus.com your item description, photos, price and how the buyer can contact you (phone, email address, fb page link etc). No transactions go through our website it is all dealt with by you, it's basically the same as if you were adverting in a paper. Once your item has sold let us know and we will take it down or after 30days it will automatically expire anyway. The offer is open to everyone worldwide as we have lots of visitors all over the world, just state in your description where you are based. What are you waiting for take advantage of this FREE offer, lots of people visiting our website everyday looking for things...any queries then just message us.

We are here to help!

Mothers R Us

Friday, 12 July 2013

6 Things Not to Say to a Mom Who Has a C-Section

Just had to share this by Julie Ryan Evans

The other day I was sitting with two new friends, and the topic of our children's birth stories came up. They talked about their water breaking, natural births, and a host of things I never experienced since I had two c-sections.

It's been 4 1/2 years since my youngest daughter was born, and I was surprised how emotional I still became thinking of all I missed. I had no choice, as my son was delivered by emergency c-section at 27 weeks when I developed severe preeclampsia. Neither of us would probably be alive had I not had a c-section. When it came to my daughter, doctors didn't seem to think a VBAC was a viable option for me. So I know that I did what was necessary, but it doesn't mean it's not still a sensitive subject, especially with all the anti-Cesarean sentiment in this country. 
More from The Stir10 Things NOT to Say to a New Mom
I know there are reports about celebrities electing for c-sections because they're "too posh to push" and other unnecessary c-sections, but for the most part, I don't think any mom ever really wants a c-section. So when people say certain things to those of us that have them, it can hurt. Here are six things no one should say to a mom who had a c-section.
1. "You took the easy way out."
There's no easy way out when it comes to birth, and the recovery from a c-section can be brutal. Also, many of us had no choice and would have given anything to prevent a c-section if we could have.
2. "Are you sure you needed a c-section?"
While it's true there are too many unnecessary c-sections performed in this country, there's no use bringing it up after the fact. What's done is done, and while we may have regrets and remorse about what happened, bringing it up can be painful.
3. "Don't you regret not experiencing birth?"
First of all, we did experience birth, just in a different way. And yes, we probably do feel like we missed out on something, but you bringing it up doesn't help.
4. "I could never have a c-section, I believe in natural birth."
Many c-section moms also believe natural birth is best, but for whatever reason, we couldn't have one. No matter how solid one's birth plan, there are no guarantees.
5. "Maybe you wouldn't have needed one if you hadn't had an epidural/used a midwife/stood on your head, etc."
Some of us have regrets about decisions we made, but you bringing up woulda, shoulda, coulda does not help. And for many of us, nothing we did would have changed things.
6. "I'm sorry."
While we may feel sadness about the way our birth story played out, we need understanding, not condolences. Regardless of how our babies entered the world, they are here, and we love them just the same.
Did you have a c-section? What hurtful things have people said to you?

Wednesday, 3 July 2013

Traveling with your children on planes.

So I have recently been to Turkey with my children, my son is ten months and my daughter is nearly four years old. I googled 'travelling with children on a plane' to get some help and advice on the trip ahead. Turkey is approx a four hour flight but still long enough with two active kids. I came across the below top tips and thought I would share.

I took my daughters Leappad Explorer and bought her some headphones for it and some new games which kept her entertained. Plus colouring books and favourite magazines and even a film on the ipad. However to keep my ten month old entertained was not so easy, plus I think the flight hurt his ears especially on the way home. He was screaming most of the time, I tried him with a bottle but still no joy, I just had to hold him and try to comfort him. In the end he did fall asleep. I took chamomile drops for his milk also some lavender oil which I put on his blanket which I took on the plane along with his small pillow. Not sure if they helped but the lavender calmed me hahaha.

Anyway the tips below did help me prepare beforehand so enjoy and if you have any tips please do comment below.

Top Twelve Tips for Traveling with Kids on Planes

1. Set Your Intention. Don’t go into the whole thing planning on difficulties and misery. Write yourself an affirmation, such as “Our travels are always safe, restorative, and joyful.” Repeat it regularly as you prepare for your trip. If you keep a journal, write down your vision of a perfect family vacation. Visualize! 

2. Start Packing a Couple of Days in Advance. Spending the last eight hours before departure in a frenzy of packing, accompanied by a last minute dash through airport security is not a recipe for success. Get your suitcases out two or three days before your travel date. Make packing a meditation: As you pack each item, give thanks for the people who made your clothes, sandals and sunscreen. Where would you be without them? 

3. Pack a Carry-on Bag for Each Child. If your children are old enough, get them each a rolling duffle bag or back pack, to carry whatever will keep them occupied and entertained on-board.

4. Plan for On-board Snacks. What goes in those carry-on bags depends upon each child’s age and preferences. While you can’t bring a water bottle through Security, you can bring some yummy snacks, which will undoubtedly be healthier choices than anything you can purchase at the airport. 

5. Plan for On-board Entertainment. Portable electronic items seem to be the most popular choice for on-board entertainment. We currently travel with the I-Pod Touch and a portable DVDplayer; our first Nintendo DS systems got us to Ireland and back a couple years ago.   

Does providing my children with video games make me an unconscious parent? I don’t think so. I don’t believe electronics—or most other things in life—are inherently bad. We use them wisely, and in moderation. And almost always on long plane rides.  

Don’t forget some “old-fashioned” items, like coloring books, puzzle books, and/or just plainbooks. You will want something for when you aren’t allowed to use the electronics, anyway. A simple deck of UNO cards has been a standby for us since the boys were toddlers. 

6. Plan a Few Surprises. You might get a little extra mileage (just a little pun, intended), by wrapping up a small gift to open on-board. When the kids get fidgety, pull out a new DVD or video game, puzzle book or card game. I’ve been known to wrap up a pack of gum. Hey, whatever will make them smile? 

7. Prepare Your Children for the Process of Traveling. Tell them what will happen at the airport. Describe the security screening process, the boarding process and the need to obey on-board seatbelt instructions. Explain to them when they will be getting their next meal (always an important consideration with my sons, at least) and what snacks will be available in transit.  

8. Consider Seating Carefully. Put seat selection somewhere on your strategic plan. Will you be making a tight connection in Dallas? First, try not to. If unavoidable, get seats towards the front of the plane, so you can make a quick exit. Taking a six-hour non-stop to Los Angeles? Consider sitting towards the back, where you can make easy and frequent trips to the restrooms.   

9. Speaking of Potty Breaks … Pay close attention to the overhead seatbelt lights. You never know how long they will stay on. We’ve been on a couple bumpy flights where even the flight attendants were strapped down the entire way. I don’t mean to scare you here, but be smart: When that light goes off, get everyone out of their seats, take a leisurely stroll to the back of the plane and hit the restrooms.   

10. Make Friends with the Flight Attendants and Other Passengers. Start smiling at people as soon as you get on the plane. Get yourselves seated as efficiently as possible and help others where appropriate. You never know when you might really, really need the goodwill and/or assistance of those around you.   

11. Keep Your Children from Kicking or Pushing on the Seat in Front of Them. One of the easiest ways to make friends with the people sitting in front of you is to let them sit in peace. Teach your children about airplane etiquette. Practice at home, it you need to. 

12. Enjoy the Ride. Remember that your airplane ride is part of your vacation. Plan ahead, for the enjoyment of you and your children. And don’t forget your commitment to conscious parenting: Create your vision and keep those affirmations flowing. “Our travels are always safe, restorative, and joyful!” 

If you have kids, you are already an expert on family travel. Do you have some helpful travel tips to share? 

Write me a comment and spread the joy! 

Happy traveling!

By Meg BrownIntent

Thursday, 28 March 2013

The Spilly Spoon - The Non Spill Medicine Spoon!!!

Mothers R Us are now the proud stockists of the Spilly Spoon, the non spill medicine spoon! You can buy it from our website www.mothersrus.com

I was so excited to bring this product to our customers as I think it's a brilliant idea. The stock of Spilly Spoons arrived today and I was eager to try one out on my own children to see if it really did do what it says on the pack.

I'm sure that every parent has had the medicine battle with the small little spoons you get with the medicine bottles. You put the medicine on and then try to walk carefully to give to your child trying not to spill a drop! Many times I have spilt medicine on my floors, nightmare when you have a child in pain and even distressed or crying. Next, if you have a very young child like me, he is now seven months old, he tries to bash the medicine spoon out of my hand as I'm trying to put it to his mouth resulting in a sticky mess over bedding, clothes, chins and faces. Or the other issue that he takes some off the spoon and then spits it back out, I even hold the spoon there but still it runs down the sides and everywhere, complete nightmare! We even tried using a syringe but my little one still manages to spit the medicine out even if I aim it inside the cheek as advised by the pharmacist or even if towards the back of the throat. It's not just regular medicine I have these issues with but Gripe Water is just as bad, plus when your trying to pour it out of the bottle I don't know why but always runs down the edges of the bottle..grrrrr

Therefore as you can tell I thought when I get this stock I will be buying one for my family. All I can say is its well worth the money over and over ! I tried it tonight for the first time but can tell already how much easier it is gong to make things. To start with I gave my son 5ml of Calpol as he is not well plus teething, he took the medicine no problem, it didn't run out too fast and he was able to take it with no mess, no struggling or anything, easy. Plus what I liked was I filled it to the correct level in the kitchen,  could put it down whilst I put the lid on the bottle and then walk to his bedroom with a
drink in my other hand, I wasn't juggling trying to keep the medicine on the spoon! yipeeee.....

My daughter is also full of cold, she is three years old, decided to try it on her before bed. What I liked was I could put the full dose into the Spilly Spoon instead of having to do two separate doses by the normal spoon. Straight away my daughter was intrigued by my 'Mary Poppin's Spoon' as she called it. I told her she could take it and drink the medicine which she did and had no problems.

Overall I give the Spilly Spoon ten out of ten and highly recommend it. The spoon is good quality and you can tell it will last. Plus what's better is it has been manufactured in Britain and designed by a mum.

You can read about the full benefits on our website and also purchase your Spilly Spoon, just click
HERE.  The Spilly Spoon would also make a great gift for a baby shower if you wanted to get something a little different and useful.

I was thinking that the spoon could also be used to administer cooled boiled water to babies as advised by health visitors if they are thirsty or need a little more fluid due to constipation. I know when we tried to do this on a spoon we had the same issue as the medicine not much went into their mouth but maybe this could help...I bet there are other things too...if you think of anything then comment below :)

Thanks for reading my review of the Spilly Spoon,  what are you waiting for, make your life a little easier and get yours ordered.

Wednesday, 30 January 2013

Leapfrog Learn & Groove Activity Station Review by Mothers R Us 2013

This interactive activity station rewards every movement with upbeat music, fun sounds, lights, and dance beats that helps your baby learn and groove!

Ok so my little boy is just over 5months old now and holding his head up pretty well, so decided to get down the Leapfrog Learn and Groove Activity Station that I've been keeping in my loft from when my daughter used it. I thought t would be ideal as my daughter who is 3 could help him and interact with him also.

Firstly a little bit about the product that introduces our little ones to music and pace whilst learning at the same time. There is a jukebox where your child can turn the page to change the theme of the activities on the station from learning to musical. In learning mode this helps to develop motor skills along with alphabet, numbers, speech and colours. The music mode uses instrument sounds and different types of music, Jazz, Tango etc. There are also some big coloured piano keys that flash, light up plus a disco ball which plays further sounds.

I sat my little boy in the seat and he immediately smiled! Good start. The station has two height settings so set it on the lowest as he is still small this meant he could touch the floor. It's good you can change the height via the legs as means it grows with them so you get longer usage out it. He didn't bounce around much but think its because he is still very younger, I could tell though he liked sitting in the upright position.

He liked the piano buttons and could press them. He was mesmerised by the flashing colours. Next was the microphone, he is teething at the moment and he immediately reached out for it to have a chew then realised it also made sounds. As he couldn't turn around in it I had to whizz him around myself but he still loved it and I'm sure with practice and time he will be bouncing and moving about. I moved him to the disco ball which he was interested in but mostly he seemed to enjoy turning the page on the jukebox and moving the arm on the record player that makes the record spin. All I had was smiles and giggles so this great learning toy seemed to be a winner.

I think yet again it will be a hit just like it ended up being my daughters favourite. One other thing I was impressed with is its durability. Even though it had been used before and stored in the loft it still looked like new. The seat cover comes off too so you can wash it if needed which is a bonus just in case they have any little accidents. But yes good that I'm getting double my money's worth from this baby toy.

The only thing for me that didn't work as well was the folding down to store. It's great that it does fold down as you can take it out, store it away etc. However I felt it was a little difficult to clip it together to store away, it was okay if your doing it now and then but if I had to store away every day think it would get on my nerves. I usually have to get my partner to help me and do it for me. :)

I've taken the below points from the Leapfrog website for info:

How does it work?

- A flip of the jukebox page transforms learning activities into musical discoveries!
- Easy height adjustable to 3 different positions as baby grows.
- Folds completely flat for easy travel and storage.
- Integrated travel handle makes carrying a breeze!
- Seat rotates 360 degrees and has a machine washable comfort pad.
- Rocking base can conveniently be locked out using flip-out supports.

WARNING: This product is for a child who is able to hold its head upright unassisted. Maximum weight 25lbs. (11.4 kgs).

Really hoped you enjoyed my review and reading about the product. Check out my other posts plus don't forget to visit our website, www.mothersrus.com for great bargains on toys, baby clothes, maternity clothes, gifts, bump bands and more.

Wednesday, 23 January 2013

Save money with second hand maternity and baby clothes, get more for your money! :)

Started in 2009, Mothers R Us is managed and run by Worcestershire mums. Our aim is to pass on savings to parents to help make your money go further at a time when you need it the most! We are a growing name in the mum and mum-to-be community, with customers from all over the world, as far as Australia!

We offer an extensive range of items available in our online shop 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Our product range is growing all the time and we have a wide choice of items:  maternity clothes, new and second hand baby clothes, mum-to-be essentials, bump bands, gifts plus more! Brands include, Motherscare, Next, Blooming Marvellous, Adams, Pumpkin Patch, Monsoon, plus many others.

As well as offering new items we also offer many second-hand items. These pre-loved items have all been carefully checked, freshly laundered and packaged before selling in our shop. All are in excellent condition, and most are nearly new.

We have found that offering pre-owned items allows our customers to afford more, as these are a fraction of the price they are when new......plus we are recycling, which is even better! It is hard being on a budget especially if you are expecting or already have a family, which is why we have found that this option is the ideal solution.

Our new items are listed as ‘Brand New’! All descriptions are fully detailed and we offer you the best price possible, many being cheaper than the original retail price, again saving you money!

We are constantly adding new stock, so it’s good to visit our website on a regular basis. Alternatively join our Facebook page or add us on Twitter to keep up to date with new items and daily bargains.
If there is something in particular you are looking for, drop us an email we’ll try to source it for you.

Come and have a look www.mothersrus.com

Follow us on Twitter  https://twitter.com/MothersRUsShop

Friday, 4 January 2013

More maternity clothes up for grabs!

We have new maternity clothing stock in, new and second hand items. Lots of fun slogan tops for you and bump plus more maternity bump bands. Still have lots of stock to list more things coming in all the time including second hand, nearly new baby clothing. Save yourself some money and visit our website to grab a bargain. www.mothersrus.com